About my Blog son

Okay, so I'm no professional blogger but, i think I'm pretty freaking interesting, sike. But for real I find cool shit on the interweb everyday now i can have it all in one place, right alongside the randomness that is my life... Be forewarned there will be an excessive amount of profanity at times, that's just how I feel


Let Me Count The Ways...

I LOVE New York City, seriously... I was at this cookout in Moore Houses in the Bronx and OMF'ing G there was this kid there brownskin, huge lips, both looked very smooth and soft, tattoo's, Airmax 95's and a fitted... I was staring at him like the whole time I was out there... He was absolute city perfection... And this other guy I've been crushing on since I was about 12 was sitting at the chess table behind me *Swoon*... Then there was this other cookout in Harlem I hit the same day, it had a couple of VERY nice looking MCB's (Melanin Challenged Brothas lol) no telling if they were legal or not though ssf =[... Thats the only downside to getting older, you can't tell ages by looking at most guys... Going out tomorrow, hopefully I see the lips again lol... I really wanna go to the Nuyo and exploring Philly while I can *sigh*


♥ MS. K ♥ said...

sigh...i'm gonna have 2 stow a way the next time u hit the city...